The Dragon Online
The Dragon is a publication by the Company of Saynt George, published between 1989 and 2003. The Dragon covers all fields interesting to re-enactors of the late 15th century period.
Please remember, we started to publish the Dragons in the late eighties. The older volumes bring you the state of historical research thirty years ago. Therefore they are themselves historic in a certain sense. Please think twice before adopting the items and procedures documented or get in touch with us, when you are unsure. The Dragons do not bring you hard facts. All they bring is our interpretation of the sources at a certain time.
The copyright of the Dragon remains with the Company of Saynt George and the authors. You are welcome to print them out for your personal use, but you must not spread them in their printed form without our permission.
Dragon No. 1
First published in August 1989
This is a bi-lingual English-French Volume
- Editorial – Guidelines for the Company
- Drawings of haircuts for men
- Drawings of household items as found in the sources
- “The Lytell Treatyse For To Lerne Englysshe And Frensshe”
- List of fruits and vegetables that were unknown two our period
- “Mind your manners…” – A poem on good late medieval manners
- A price-list for arms and armours
- Early phrases and expressions (Gammer Gurton’s Nedle, 16th century)
- Est Mihi Cauda Decus – Late medieval mottos…
- A calligrapohic version of a late gothic alphabet
Dragon No. 2
First published in January 1991
This is a bi-lingual English-French Volume
- Editorial
- A letter from the captain
- “That we myte be dressed” – Illustrated guide to clothing (part one)
- Correspondance
- Saint George – A short history
- Treasure hunt – Drawings of tools and items
- Siege warfare in the early 15th century
- The adventures of Sir John
- Recette de ce jour (French only)
- “Good morning…” – 15th century instructions on getting up
Dragon No. 3
First published in September 1991
This is a bi-lingual English-French Volume
- Editorial
- The Perils of Indulgence in Cosmetics
- “Could you repeat that order, Sir …” – Period commands and phrases
- “Take some horsgrece …” – Examples for medical recipes
- “Alas my jewellys …” – Apt phrases from a Tudor play
- A fifteenth century bath
- Chanson à boire – A drinking song (French only)
- Chanson d’amour – A love song (French only)
- A decision on tents (Ten years later, we have just taken that step again …)
- Purses dor the Company of Saint George (with drawings)
- Jacks for the Company of Saint George (with drawings)
- La Manier de se Contenir à Table – Table-manners
- Nine Men’s Morris: A Medieval Board Game
- La Comète de Halley – Halley’s comet
- Bon Appetit – The Diet of a 15th Century Soldier
- The Burgundian Camp in 1476
Dragon No. 4
First published in May 1992
This is a mostly English Volume with some French texts
- Editorial
- Who’s who: Niklaus von Schanachtal
- Dress for the women of our Company (with drawings)
- Le Mobilier – The furniture (French only, but lots of drawings)
- Announcement – Gerry Embleton has been asked to do a book on the 15th century soldier
- An historian on history – A poetic view
- Book review: “The House fo Niccolo” series
- Spinach: an erratum on the illegal substances in vol. 1
Dragon No. 5
First published in May 1993
This is a mostly English Volume
- Editorial
- Who’s who in 1476 – A list by countries
- Burgundian booty, a brief summary
- The furniture – Part 2 – Many drawings (in French as well)
- Thalhoffer – Weapon training in the 15th century
- 15th century weather
- Book reviews
- Reenactment – General and specific remarks by Jamie Donnan
- Tents for the Company of Saynte George (with drawings)
- 15th century tools (with drawings)
- The birth of a child in the late medieval period
- Making a padded Jack
- A small household of the 15th century – Summary of the household accounts of John Munden
- The splendours of the Burgundian court – A letter by John Paston III in 1468
Dragon No. 6
First published in March 1995
This is a mostly English Volume with some translations to French and one to German
- Editorial
- A child
- Medieval cookery and medicine – Part 1
- Plat du jour – Recipe of the day
- Domestic furniture in the Tacuinum Sanitatis (with drawings)
- The Schilling chronicles
- An examination of a typical Swiss or South-German coif
- Recruiting, payments and the prices in the republic of Genoa
- Swords for the Company of St. George (with drawings)
Dragon No. 7
First published in June 1995
This is a bi-lingual English-French Volume
- Editorial
- Polearms for the Company of St. George
- The earliest cartridges
- Medieval cookery and medicine – Part 2
- Medieval Furniture – Part 4 (comes in French as well)
- L’ordre de la toison d’or (French only)
Dragon No. 8
First published in December 1995
This is a mostly English Volume with a French article and one translated to German
- Editorial
- Livery clothing, circa 1460-1480
- Recette du jour (French only)
- Firearms in the republic of Genoa
- Military Organisation in Switzerland in the time of the Burgundian wars
- Formation and organisation of defence of Württemberg in the second half of the 15th century (in German as well)
- The fletching of arrows, a detailed look at the techniques
- Book review: “On the practice or art of dancing”
- Rushlights – How to make and use them
- Questions and answers – Helmet fastenings and mail “shorts”
Dragon No. 9
First published in January 1997
This is a bi-lingual English-French Volume
- Editorial
- Medieval military drill
- Medieval Lanterns (with many many drawings)
- Poids et mobilité des armures (French only)
- Book review: Armies and warfare in the MA / Early French cookery
- Biscuit – the staple of armies from time immemorial – a recipe
Dragon No. 10
First published in Summer 2000
This is an english-only volume
- Editorial
- Medieval cloth
- Ells, aunes and braccia – medieval cloth measures
- The nature of swords – a general view
- Tents for the company revised (with drawings)
Dragon No. 11
First published in Winter 2000
This is an english-only volume
- Editorial
- The history of Burgundy – excerpts from the memories of Olivier de la Marche
- On carrying … bags, bundles, packs and baskets (with drawings)
- A shopping list from 1435
- Advice to travellers – short excerpt of a manual
- Fireplaces – a few thoughts
- Comments to older articles
- Grinding Benches (a single illustration)
Dragon No. 12
First published in Summer 2003
This is an english-only volume
- Editorial
- The tactics and weapons of the 2nd battle of St. Albans 1461
- An investigation into the “bend” as part of the 15th century military clothing
- Milanese Artillery
- Italian field fortifications
- Thoughts on tents
- A 15th century leather mitten from the Thames
- A journey by sea
Dragon No. 13
First published in Winter 2020
This is an english-only volume
- Editorial
- The Ursula Shrine Linnen Armour
- Towards a New Base for Historical Cooking
- Cameline Sauce
- Tripe Disguised as Omelette Balls
- A Set of Carving Knives
- The Jew`s Harp – A Simple Instrument for Everybody
- Reenacting Religion
- The Goat Game
- Forge Experiments: Long Rondel Daggers
- STRIKE-A-LIGHTS, FLINTS AND TINDERS: which historical sources?