Many of the publications are well known, eg Crowfoot, Østergård and Nutz, but please find below a more extensive reading list. Where ever possible we supplied links to legal online reading accessed papers, where it isn’t possible we recommend asking your library to arrange a distance loan for them.
We personally love following up archaeological evidence, as rare as textile finds are, we think we need these albeit rare and individual primary evidence pieces to round off the picture, we can’t just rely on pictures and written records.
So our list of recommendations is mainly centred around actual textile finds and their analysis. If you have heard of new publications you’d like us to list here as well, please contact us, this isn’t a static document.
Elisa Tosi Brandi & Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols: Un Abito per Osanna, in “In gloria. 1515–2015. Osanna Andreasi da Mantova”, Mantova 2016, pp. 171–193. (Online paper)
Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols is one of the Grandes when it comes to archaeological approach to clothing, and has a prolific publication list. Elisa Tosi-Brandi is likewise a researcher worth following up:
Marquita Volken: Archaeological Footwear. Development of shoe patterns and styles from Prehistory till the 1600’s, Zwolle 2014.
Check her full publication list at:
Isis Sturtewagen: Unveiling social fashion patterns: A Case Study of Frilled Veils in the Low Countries [1200-1500], in: “Medieval Clothing & Textiles (vol. 7)”, 2011, pp. 33–63.
Isis Sturtewagen: Een gouwen rync ende een ransse. De gerimpelde hoofddoek in het modelandschap van de Lage Landen der late middeleeuwen, Een interdisciplinaire studie, Master Thesis at Ghent University, 2009. (Online paper)
Beatrix Nutz: The Lengberg Finds. Remnants of a lost 15th century tailoring revolution, in: “Archaeological Textiles. Links Between Past and Present. NESAT XIII”, Liberec 2017, pp. 167–176. (Online paper)
Beatrix Nutz is continuously making her papers accessible on, we recommend subscribing to her profile to receive the latest updates:
Else Østergård: Woven into the Earth: Textile Finds from Norse Greenland, Aarhus 2004.
The classic publications relating to the London Thames textile finds rarely need introduction anymore, but nevertheless, I would recommend everyone to have a copy of the Textiles, if not the wholes series. Quite often simple questions arising can find an answer there.
Elizabeth Crowfoot et al: Textiles and Clothing: Medieval Finds from Excavations in London, c.1150-c.1450, London 2001.